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Auto-press Enter

Since shell.write does NOT automatically press the "enter" key for you, when you're trying to run commands with shell.write you will need to append all your messages with \n, for example:

  "run": [{
    "method": "shell.write",
    "params": {
      "message": "{{os.platform() === 'win32' ? 'dir' : 'ls'}}\n"

There are two things to note here:

  1. First, we're using template expressions and the built-in os variable to determine the platform and sending dir if windows, and ls if otherwise.
  2. Second, the message ends with an explicit \n (newline character).

If you don't include the \n at the end, it will just print dir or ls and not run them.

Since most use cases will involve entering commands and it will get tedious to append everything with \n, Pinokio also provides a method called shell.enter.

The shell.enter command basically does the same thing as shell.write, except it always automatically enters the enter key for you at the end.

Above example can be transformed to the following (Notice we're using shell.enter instead of shell.write, and that the trailing \n in the message is gone now):

  "run": [{
    "method": "shell.enter",
    "params": {
      "message": "{{os.platform() === 'win32' ? 'dir' : 'ls'}}"