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An input is a special type of variable that refers to whichever data is being passed in from the request right before the current request.

  "run": [{
    "uri": "",
    "method": "run",
    "params": {
      "p": "### Instruction\n\nName an animal.\n\n### Response\n\n",
      "m": "../models/stable-vicuna/13b_q4_0.bin",
      "n": 256
  }, {
    "uri": "llama",
    "method": "run",
    "params": {
      "uri": "",
      "method": "run",
      "params": {
        "cfg_scale": 7,
        "steps": 30,
        "prompt": "{{input}}"

In the example above, we are:

  1. making a call to the llama API to generate an animal
  2. This is temporarily stored in the input variable when the next step is run.
  3. The next step makes use of the template expression to pass the generated animal name as a prompt to Automatic1111 (Stable Diffusion).

Some properties of input:

  1. Not all methods generate return values (for example set), and for those methods, the input will be null
  2. The first step in a run loop will have an input value of null.
  3. The input value changes for every step, therefore you may often want to store the return values in the memory. For this, you can use the returns attributte.