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You can accept user input through the input API.

It can be used to receive custom human input and returns a key-value pairs object.


There are two types: "modal" and "notify". They have the same functions but just displayed differently.





  "method": "input",
  "params": {
    "title": <The title of the input modal>,
    "description": <The description of the input modal>,
    "type": <input dialog type ("modal" or "notify")>,
    "form": [{
      "type": <input field type, for example 'text', 'password', etc. (optional)>,
      "key": <Input field 1 key (required)>,
      "title": <Input field 1 title>,
      "description": <Input field 1 description>,
      "placeholder": <Input field 1 placehoder>,
      "default": <the default value for field 1>
    }, {
      "type": <input field type, for example 'text', 'password', etc. (optional)>,
      "key": <Input field 2 key (required)>,
      "title": <Input field 2 title>,
      "description": <Input field 2 description>,
      "placeholder": <Input field 2 placehoder>,
      "default": <the default value for field 1>
    }, {


The input API lets you insert an interactive modal in the workflow.

  • title: The input modal title
  • description: The input modal description
  • type: (optional) "notify"|"modal" (default)
    • the "notify" type opens the input dialog using the "notify" API
    • the "modal" type opens a modal dialog
  • form: The form array. Can include as many keys as you want.
    • key: (required) The field key
    • title: (optional) The field title (displayed above the input field)
    • description: (optional) The field description (displayed above the input field along with the title)
    • default: (optional) The default value for the field. If specified, the input field will be pre-filled with this value.
    • placeholder: (optional) The placeholder text for the field.
    • type: (optional) The input field type, for example 'text', 'password', etc.

return value

Once the user clicks the "done" button to close the dialog, The input API will return the key-value pairs constructed from the form.

Here's an example where you can accept a username and a password:

  "run": [{
    "method": "input",
    "params": {
      "title": "Login",
      "form": [{
        "key": "username",
        "title": "username"
      }, {
        "key": "password",
        "title": "password",
  }, {
    "method": "net",
    "params": {
      "url": "",
      "method": "post",
      "data": {
        "username": "{{input.username}}",
        "password": "{{input.password}}"

First, we use the input API to display a modal with a form to construct an object with the keys: username and password:


When the user enters the username and the password and presses "done", the input API will return the following value:

  "input": {
    "username": "cocktailpeanut",
    "password": "7gproteinperserving"

This then can be used in the second API call (net) to make a network API request.